Honey Marshmallows

Honey Marshmallows

These simple, three ingredient marshmallows are so easy to make. We harvest our own honey from the beehives out the back of our property, so we always have it in the pantry to use in our cooking and baking.

One cold, bone chilling afternoon out splitting firewood, we came in for a cup of Milo to warm up. Panic set in when I realised we were out of marshmallows! This old recipe came from a recipe card in an old notebook, and has saved our butt a few times in marshmallow emergencies! 

You can add colouring or flavourings to these, but I find if your honey is good, let the honey be the main flavour. Oh and a word of warning, these aren’t overly great for roasting, but you can absolutely have them in a hot drink, or add to a slice as a marshmallow layer for no-bake smoko treat. 


3 tbsp natural gelatin

½ cup of boiling water

1 cup of honey

¼ cup of cold water


  1. In your cake mixer, bloom your gelatin in ½ cup of boiling water. 
  2. On the stove, bring your honey and cold water to a hard boil for 4-5 minutes. 
  3. Carefully add the hot honey to your mixer, and start slowly on a low speed, increasing to a high speed gradually. Stand by your mixer and don’t walk away, it will take a couple of minutes for the mixture to whip. It will eventually become thick and white like meringue, and as soon as you have stiff peaks, quickly pour into a lined 9x9 dish. 
  4. You can line your tray with baking paper or dust with icing sugar, but you will have to work quickly as soon as it is out of the mixer, it will start to set!
  5. Leave for an hour or so to cool, or less time in winter if you just pop it outside in the cool air. 
  6. Cut with a hot knife (i dip a knife in boiling water) and enjoy! 


These should last up to a month in a sealed container, but they are normally gone within a few days in our house. 

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